Step-by-step description

    [group group-rpe-lang-selected][/group][group group-cr10-lang-selected][/group][group group-cr100-lang-selected][/group]

    SECTION 1 - New Agreement or Amendment

    If you already have a valid license agreement and only need to add one or several additional language(s), select the option Amendment below. For example if you have an ongoing study and need to add more languages.

    Is this an amendment to an existing license agreement?

    [group group-amendment clear_on_hide]
    Enter a reference to the licence agreement (ID or date):

    SECTION 2 - Intended usage

    You can choose to have a yearly subscription or to have a one year license. For subscriptions the fee from second year is reduced and additional languages are free of charge. A subscription is automatically renewed each year. A subscription can be cancelled at any time.

    Usage category:

    Study name and/or information about intended usage:

    SECTION 3 - Products to license

    Select the Borg scale that you would like to obtain a license for. The base license includes English and Swedish. After selecting the base license there is a number of translations that you can choose from. See also information about fees:

    [group group-not-amendment clear_on_hide]
    Base license for the Borg RPE Scale® (English and Swedish):
    [group group-rpe-scale-selected clear_on_hide]
    Additional languages for the Borg RPE Scale®:


    Base license for Borg CR Scale® (CR10) (English and Swedish):
    [group group-cr10-scale-selected clear_on_hide]
    Additional languages for the Borg CR Scale® (CR10):

    Scale version:

    Base license for Borg centiMax Scale® (CR100) (English and Swedish):
    [group group-cr100-scale-selected clear_on_hide]
    Additional languages for the Borg centiMax Scale® (CR100):


    [group group-amendment2 clear_on_hide]
    Additional languages for the Borg RPE Scale®:

    Additional languages for the Borg CR Scale® (CR10):

    Additional languages for the Borg centiMax Scale® (CR100):

    Fee (EURO):

    If you request a language that does not exist, please contact

    SECTION 4 - Licensee details

    Enter below details about the company that is requesting to obtain the license.

    Contact person:
    VAT number (write "false" if outside of EU):
    Postal code:

    SECTION 5 - Billing details

    Enter below information to be used for the invoice.

    Contact person:
    Contact email:
    Billing email:
    Postal code:
    Purchase Order number will be supplied:

    We request payment to be done via direct bank wire transfer.

    SECTION 6 - Terms and conditions

    Below please find the standard terms and conditions. It will be possible to adjust these when reviewing the draft license agreement.

    [group group-not-amendment-tc]

    [group group-amendment-tc]


    SECTION 7 - Submission of form

    Order ID (to be included in all correspondence):

    Please answer the following question (spam protection). See sample scales if you are unsure: