BorgPerception AB, a Swedish company for “Borg scales” (the Borg RPE scale® and Borg CR scales®). This is the exclusive licensed distributor all over the world for the authorized, official, validated products of Dr. Gunnar Borg’s research in psychophysics and medicine. This research led to the creation of world-renowned scales for measuring sensations and experiences such as somatic symptoms e.g., perceived exertion and fatigue, breathlessness and difficulties breathing (dyspnea), chest pain (angina), muscular-skeletal aches and pains, feelings of mental load, anxiety, depression, happiness etc., and also common sensory perceptions. Recently the Borg CR scales® have been used extensively for Covid 19, medical trials and patient rehabilitation.
The different Borg scales

ATS guidelines to the 6 minute walk test
The six minute walking test (6MWT) was developed by the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and it was officially introduced in 2002. It is a sub-maximal exercise test used to measure functional status or fitness in people with various health conditions. In the procedure the Borg CR scale® (CR10) (sometimes referred to as the Dyspnea scale, Breathlessness scale or modified Borg scale) is used to measure dyspnea and fatigue.
Note that the original guideline from ATS had an error where the Borg CR scale® (CR10) had been altered. This was later corrected in the below erratum.
ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test. Erratum.
ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test
Introduction film
Borg scale licensees around the world

Gunnar Borg, PhD, MD h.c., 1927-2020
Our beloved father Gunnar Borg passed away February 02 2020 at an age of 92 years old. In life our father was dedicated to his family and to his research. Up until his last days in life he was active in his research and the day before he passed away we had a discussion about theories of psychophysical measurements. But mostly we will remeber our father as the loving father that was always looking out for his family.
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